Thursday, July 06, 2006


I just want something to believe in
Ah - it's a lonely lonely road I'm on
This side of paradise
-Bryan Adams

Come accross a moment in time where you've created your own haven? Let the world go beserk... you're ok 'coz you know what you have to do n you know how to get there?!

People comin, people talkin, people laughing (yeah you laugh with them), people screaming (you hear it...), people politicking (you don't even bother....), people running (so..??), people killing time (like it makes a difference...?), people just about doing anything (don't know, don't care!!)...

You've receded to your space... or maybe you've spaced out... but it's a great feeling rite? PEACE!!


Shekhar said...


Rose said...

I guess we are all in search of that space..


ani said...

shekhar: :)))

rose: i guess i'm the lucky one... i manage to find it at odd moments every once in a while! babes jus chill.. let things take their own course sumtimes...