Saturday, November 04, 2006

She painted again!!!

Ah! the joy of expression!! It leaves you so satisfied from the insides!! she was restless... she couldn't say it... she found these 2 pieces of granite in the hostel backyard n since then her hands have been itching to paint!! Just before an exam, she just opens that box of paints.. sits down on the floor bang in the middle of the room and PAINTS!!! Bright happy yellow flowers!! And now... she's smilin and smilin... glittering eyes... a roomie who loved it... and a dash of color to her days... a dance in her step!!

Here's the painting:
Her love of playing with colors also reflects in these rangolis she made on diwali!!


Shekhar said...


Ankur Jain said...

Fantabulous !!! [:D]

ani said...

to shekhar n ankur - ludviskpnks!!!