Saturday, November 11, 2006


Life can be a great teacher!! There are moments when you go wrong and you don't realize it... then (only if you are lucky) someone will explain to you what you did wrong and why it hurt them...

The first instinct is to defend yourself... but if you just pause for a moment and rethink then you learn something... you grow in that moment when you accept your mistake... it's not so much about apologising you know.. you can say sorry and not mena it, but can you learn and apologize and not mean it?? (i don't think so..)

I learnt that it's okay to admit if you're wrong... things get fine faster!! It's your life.. take the responsibility...

If like me, you have hurt someone... just walk up to them and accept it.. they'll probably not even want you to say sorry 'coz they care about you and are just happy that you realized it...! (And it'll lift a mountain off you!!)

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