Saturday, October 20, 2007

Of sirens and P's!

It's a nice peaceful Saturday Morning.. she has been lulled to sleep the night before by the tunes of 'His' beautiful girlfriend (his black beauty, his guitar!) :)

After a long day (long week actually) where she's perpetually been on the phone half wishin her ears were some kind of crazy phone attachments which would automatically produce from her voice box, 'Hi! How are you today?' and 'Have a nice day!' :D Well.. I digress... It's a nice peaceful saturday morning and she's happily lazing around when out of the blue this machine she calls her laptop starts giving out the siren of an ambulance! IT IS NOT FUNNY! I MEAN AN AMBULANCE SIREN FROM THE LAPTOP WHEN I SAY IT! It jolts her right up... once she figures out it's her laptop, she figures it's about to explode.. Her only thought.. 'damn! It's too close to the speakers! I dont want those blown up!' So she manages to somehow (just don't ask how) shut off the siren and slip back into dreamy land!

So much for dreamland! Ting Tong goes the damn doorbell! (Its too loud for its own good. It shall self destruct soon!)

She had just gotten back into bed after dealing with the previous ting tong! There it goes again, this time more insistently.. (Ting Ting Ta Tong Ting Tong!) Ohk Ohk I'm cmin!

After that dreamland is a faraway thought and she's writing this blog all bleary eyed wishing to doze off again! But sleep evades her and she decides to take up the letter 'P' bestowed upon her by Shraddha.

Well it goes like this:
- Comment and I'll give you a letter.
- You have to list 10 5 things you love that begin with that letter.
- Afterwards, post this in your journal.

It's a P here! (She's trying sanity to prevent this blog from being blocked due to objectionable content but she just cannot seem to think straight!) Trying Trying!

Potatoes - She has to have a stock of them in her house for all kinds of food emergencies! (Spoken like a true foodie she knows!) And then they are good for an emergency fix of weird looking eyes! :)

Piranha - Now this just came into her head! Talk about having a nutsy saturday! N she decided to do a googly on this one. This is what we have people:
  • small voraciously carnivorous freshwater fishes of South America that attack and destroy living
  • The piranhas or piraƱas are a group of carnivorous freshwater fish living in South American rivers. In Venezuelan rivers they are called caribes. ...
  • "Piranha" (from the album I Am an Elastic Firecracker) is possibly the most widely played, and commerically successful, song by Dallas, Texas, rock band Tripping Daisy. "Piranha" was written by frontman Tim DeLaughter.
  • Piranha was a Jaws spoof directed by Joe Dante and produced by Roger Corman in 1978. Universal Studios tried to stop the film from being released (because of its satirizing of Universal's Jaws films), but Steven Spielberg saw the film in advance and liked it. ...
  • Piranha is the brand name of a carbonated energy drink developed by and manufactured for EAS throughout the world. Piranha comes in 250-252 mL cans (depending on country of origin) and comes in a variety of flavors including Fruit Punch, Lemon, Watermelon, Sour Apple and Orange Pineapple.
  • Piranha (1995) is a remake of the original 1978 horror movie Piranha. Directed by Scott P. Levy, it was met with little praise from critics. The film is also known by the name Roger Corman Presents Piranha.
Pink Pajamas! :))) Yeah yeah yeah! She could have just said Pajamas, why do they have to be pink? Somehow, sumwhere in the deep insides of quirky li'l her, pajamas just hafta to be Pink! :D

Pasta: :) She needs breakfast! All she can think of is food! Pasta happens to be a staple diet of sorts at this home away from home! Come from office, too tired, easy shmeasy Pasta in a jiffy! :)

That's four done. she tries hard to not make the last P about food! N it's not! :)
It's P for Pins! She's an ace at losing them!! Safety pins, board pins, paper pins, paper clips, she just loses them all! So when through the crazy powers vested in her, she manages to 'find' one instead of losing it it's a eureka moment of sorts!

:D So much for a P! Now she's gotta go pee!


Skinsleuth said...

I'm convinced, u r a total foodie...hee hee

And good luck with the laptop. I know how jinxed u r :P

Anirudh 'Lallan' Choudhry said...

woosh...ur posts are so so cute...sweet n lovely to read..injecting lives in the hearts of readers..! ur on way of being..!(psst...i meant ur own* way of being.a typo..but on way*is so beautiful..suits u n here an all that jazz wid all of dis blog..!)

KAYLEE said...

I LOVE IT HOWS U? I am recovering in the hospital from a heart transplant!!!!!!!!!

Phoenix said...

hey there long time no see you have stopped visiting kya???wasssup????

great post!dunno what i would have done if i were to stae 5 things i like with a random letter

lol!amazing post

Sam said...

Hehee...couldn't have expected anything lesser from you!! :)Good job!!

ani said...

Shraddha: :) luv ya! laptop sumhw still surviving! but yes, my prakop has spread to the US. (dnt even begin to ask for details!) PS - since u are the one who gave me the alphabet, u are exempt now rite?

Anirudh: :) thanx ya! tats one of my bestest compliments ever! :) But if u read the rules, thy say u get an alphabet as well! So U get an S. :)

Kaylee: darling please take care! u jus give me such shocks! i hope ur doin better now?! ~ n if u have the inclination, u get the letter D. :)

Phoenix: :) I have been regular. I have just been silent! Office work has been taking its toll on me and my work life balance has become a work-work imbalance! :) n u do get a random letter! rules say if u comment u get a letter too! ;) urs is umm.... a T.

Sam: :D ~bow! Your letter lady was going to be an X, but i had a change of heart! :D it's an N now. :)

Freddie L Sirmans, Sr. said...

Just browsing the internet. You have a very, very interesting blog. great blog.