Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hungry Kya?! :)

What is it about the freedom that you have now? You waited for this moment all your life, but what are you doing with it? You have all the time in the world to 'explore, dream, discover' and the truth of your stark freedom hots you in the face saying you don't even have a dream.... Your eyes turn to huge pools of darkness as they turn inward to search your soul... you finally confront your loneliness and let out a smirk at your own self.... Eventually after a mental cloudburst your distant dreams float back to you and you wonder at that annoying thing called a 'purpose in life'...

She finally has an answer.... 'Your purpose is your dream... if only you care enough to look beyond the thunder and lightning of an unkempt today..!'

And she quotes here an sms that a friend sent to her long time back: "Throw off the bow lines, sail away from the harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails... Explore, Dream, Discover!"

:) Go ahead... wonder at the change! This time all credit to Barwala... she narrated her catastrophic thursday and friday to him which included a laptop crashing, data being lost, a certification exam link going wonky, inedible food in the cafeteria and of course the inexplicable loss of appetite.... even her cellphone started to act funny! His very basic solution to the chaos engulfing her and her moods at that moment was. 'Lets go out! I think you need Beer!' :D I shall not reveal how much I drank... I shall only say that was high and not talli... my appetite had come back full force and we feasted on some amazing food at Peko's and by the end of the evening The Barwala himself after looking at her capacity went onto comment, 'I am proud of you!' (Now that's a certification she's proud to have!)

Coming to certifications she finally managed to score a 100% in the exam.... :D (Dream on.. I shall never let the secret out here!) and she also got the title of 'Champaklal Certified Cool Dudette!' :D Ohk Ohk... I shall give a brief explanation of that... Abhay is a colleague who joined with us.. in one of the plays that we bakraas were made to perform he played the part of a very harassed Champaklal doing the rounds of Namma Bengaluru in an auto and trying to find hi way around in the initial days! he's turned into a good buddy now and the name Champaklal happens to have stuck with him like a leech to a human leg! :D

Well, the dudette managed to drag Barwala to watch "Five point Someone" (the play) while it was raining cats and dogs in this city... :D His constant wish was for us to miss the play... and he even managed to ask the auto guy for a match to light his smoke to avoid shivering in the cold Bangalore rain... the rick guy decided to dutifully stop at a nukkad and buy him a box of matches inspite of the fact that we were terribly late and the traffic jam was worse than a nightmare! And yes she blames him completely for being late... :D (she'll get whacked for it!) And yes he did go onto say that, 'Any play with vodka, grass and pink floyd in it has to be good!' :) Not to mention the babes he got to see!

Since her appetite was back with a bang sunday found them at a nice 'West Indian Cafe' called 'Sues Kitchen' where they made sure they ate more than the 250 bucks of the buffet was worth! The food was damn good and the dessert was a marble cake reeking in rum! Need I say more?! :D

The evening found her cooking for a bunch of friends... On the Menu:
1. Chicken kaali mirch
2. Pasta-a-la-Pateela! (she's a lil short on the big utensils that she ends up needing when she has to cook for 7-10 people! So the Pasta found it's place in an aluminium Pateela and thus the name... :D Twas actually corn cheese tomato pasta!)
3. Garlic Bread
4. Goes without saying... Beer!

The chef was duly complimented with discussions of Harry potter happening! With 5 females making a racket that's expected poor Bar and Bade Bhaiya were quite scared to even step foot in the house... but they eventually got coaxed into the noisy muddle and it was a nice fun evening!

A walk down the lane near her home-tweet-home with a big smile on her face and her ipod in her ears made a zillion people look at her and wonder, 'Damn! What has this woman been upto?!" She gave 'em all an even bigger grin and went onto tackle the week head-on! :)


Anonymous said...

chalo ji...finally normal track te aa gaye...
hmmm u knw sometimes this hunt of purpose is the purpose..isn't it...

wanna run fast than a shooting star
drizzle of naughty spark or a cracking war..
wait a lil bit..ahoy! wait lil bit for the troy!
may b the need of hour is wishes far..

Shekhar said...

BEER !! ~sigh~

ani said...

dream catcher: thanx for the lovely poem! :) n u stole the words right out of my brain again by calling it a 'cracking war!' :D

mommy: :D luv ya loads!!

Aks said...

Kyaa life hai !

hey, I posted something in mine, too !


Sam said...

Beautiful writings.. pleasure reading them.. Noticed tht ur pet is called "Corny", mine does too in my Facebook profile..;)

Anonymous said...

slurrp ... slurrrrppppp :-)

ani said...

aks: :) majaa ni life! read ur blog!

sam: :) thanx fer dropping by! I've always wanted a tiny grey apso with the pinkest of paws and wanted to call it corny!!!

sangfroid: :D

Sam said...

Cute.. my turtle was called Corny, it passed way!! :(
U know, I know someone who's got three dogs: Horny, Porny & Corny respectively... ;)

Phoenix said...

yummmy...slurp slurp...u r a damn good then..

Skinsleuth said...

I feel so good after reading ur posts. Ur doing really good, dudette. Keep on. :)

ani said...

sam: ~hugs! n u seriosuly made me laugh out loud with the horny porny corny bit!!!

phoenix: :D thanx sweets!

shraddha: :) ~biiiiiig hug!!!

Ankur Jain said...


Happy to know tht u have regained ur apetite !!

ludviskpnks ! >:D<