Thursday, April 19, 2007

I saw a sign..!

Sitting in her comfort corner she could hear thunder and wild rustling of the leaves… she walked up to the window to see lightning strike and something inside her churned… she jus knew something was going to change…

She’s His sweetest child… and whenever she’s doin something He either approves or disapproves of He gives her a sign.. He leaves it to her to interpret it… It’s taken a long time but she’s finally worked that out… If there’s no rain she needs to rethink and if it rains… all her troubles are being washed away and He’s sitting there smiling down at her…!

Well… it rained! :) And she watching the rain… she decided to get a lil wet too but then sat there looking at it for the longest of moments and a smile traced its curve on her face!

Sometimes in life.. all we need is a sign..! And then the world is ours to conquer! The sign at times can be as simple as rain or as giving as a friend’s advice or just a warm reassuring hug! It’s your sign.. you see it and you recognize it!

Her current thoughts: ‘There’s a kind of hush around her… but its like a waiting to exhale kinda situation… two steps further there’s a hurricane happening! She wonders when she’ll venture there… but she’s sure she’ll keep her peace and come out of it sane enough!’

"I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line
Of the edge and where I walk alone"
(Green Day)

For the time being, materialistic pleasures surround her! Lots of shopping (which dear darling sis says is a high only women can understand! :D), the work still keeps her a lil occupied and the joys of good food surround her!

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