Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday bloody sunday!

It's a beautiful sunshiny day.... she's had a good 8 hours of sleep when her twiddly eyes open and she's thirsty! In that moment she figures that the maid'll cme in abt an hour so she dips in clothes that she needs washed and cozily snuggles back into bed just for the heck of lazing around!

So much for lazing around!!!! The maid doesn't turn up... there's no water in the house! (Thankfully she finished her morning ablutions during the first wakey wakey!.... Thank God fer small mercies!) And yes... there will be no water in the house till tomorrow afternoon! (Stop laughing!!)

She goes down with loads of empty buckets.... roomies fight with secretary... there's mercifully one tap downstairs which has water.... stand in line and fill up the buckets and trudge back with them up to the third floor!

Her cellphone decides to act funny and starts switching on and off of its own accord! And the lights decide to start flickering as well!

Her laptop has gone into hibernation so the music stops playin.....

She cancels the dinner she was hosting tonite... all bartans (bole to vessels) are dirty and there's no maid and there's no water!!!

Her cooker has also lost it's safety valve... (but thats a whole other story!)

:D Jinxed right? And herein are linked all the other posts where havoc has been wreaked on her:
- Jinxed!
- A lil more jinxed! (the penultimate paragraph!)
- Some more jinxes!

:D Cheers people! And it's exactly 1:25 pm! The day's only just begun!!!!!


KAYLEE said...

GOSH girl!!!!!!!!!!! cheer up things will go your away eventually!

ani said...

:) hey sweets! tthe girl is cheered up only! a friend thinks its probably a poltergeist!!! lolz!!! (i enjoy my jinxed moments like no other!) :D

KAYLEE said...


Anonymous said...

I can relate to the car episode though it was my friend who did d honors of forgetting d keys inside :-)
... u surely r 1 jinxed gal :-)

ani said...

kaylee: :) luv ya sweets! n dnt worry abt anythn u'll be fine soon!

sangfroid: :D lolz!

Anonymous said...

welcome to namma bengaluru saar :)

ani said...

arpz: lolz!!!! luv ya!!

KAYLEE said...

how are ya?

Skinsleuth said...

LOL...We can actually make a whole new blog titled "Ani's Jinxes". :D

ani said...

kaylee: am gud sweets! u take gud care of yerself!

shraddha: :D lolz!!!!