Wednesday, March 08, 2006

well... rambling!

Well... i've always been a nitwit! so there!

Like a friend of mine said, "but aneesha some people do really fly!"
I can't agree more 'coz i'm flyin now!

(those of u who know how much my weight is can please stifle their laughter on that one!)

The point here is that the alpha and the omega are forever intertwining! They meet to nullify each others emptiness... that's why they stay together! If one forgets to spread it's wings, the other helps it to... and eventually the 3 year old turns to a 30 year old (maybe even more) and realizes that FLYING is also a figurative term! (gosh! i take too many things literally! my imagination needs some serious exercise!... yea yea yea... go ahead say it... i do too!! :-D)

This post is actually a true and complete ramble out of the deepest depths of my heart 'coz i'm happy. I get wierd when i'm happy! (though they say i'm best when wierdest! ;) ) So if this post goes overboard, don't fret n don't expect an explanantion!! 'coz these are the ramblings of my soul!

1 comment:

Shekhar said...

Hey lady, no explanations demanded. At least I can well understand the ramblings of this soul... :)

Keep smiling...and yes, never give up trying to fly...