Friday, March 10, 2006

You know what? Over the past week i've like completely realized that i'm one of the luckiest people around!! There are just sooooooooooooooo............... many people I can turn to when i'm down n out! Gosh it feels so good (i feel good! ta da da da!). It gives you this warm fuzzy feeling to know that you actually have so many"friends" :-)

I would have gotten kicked had I said it to you all directly... so using this space...

Thanks guys! I really couldn't have made it over the past few days without you all! All of u talking to me, giving me a smile each morning, calling me up, taking me out, willingly getting blackmailed by me.... you guys are all better than the bestest! It's so completely amazing to have you all as part of my world! Cherish ya all (loads n loads)!!

(I totally love this pic of snoopy and the gang! It's so happy na!!)


Shekhar said...

I saved the pic on my comp !!!!

Yippeeee !!!! :D

ani said...
