Saturday, February 10, 2007

And so it rained... :)

Drizzled actually... n just for 2 mins so that now the rest of the world actually refuses to believe that it rained!! I hold my roomie in testimony!!!! :-D

She's Gods sweetest child.. she knows that. n whenever she's down n out it rains... its like God's washing away all her troubles.. :-) Obvious question: what troubles? what happened? etc etc... Chillax! Her whole world crashed... but now its much better... as someone puts it, 'Resurrected!' :-) It's a new feeling n it'll take getting used to... it's like learning to walk all over again, but she knows she can do it! The best part is she's happy! Its like a crashed laptop that was in desperate need of getting formatted!! :-D (yup..tats every bit the IT engineer speaking!!)

The song plays and replays in her head, "Found what I lost inside... my spirit has been purified!" (Oasis all the way!)

The wave she rode: Blissful happiness --> Tsunami --> Comfortably Numb --> An auto pilot smile --> Dil se smilin! :-) Quite a ride huh?! Yeah I know, I know! She couldn't have made it alone... there's been this whole force of people behind her and with her... they've all been amazing and she can't luv em enough! (She won't say thanx... she doesn't wanna get whacked for thinkin of doing something so devastating!!) She's lucky.. very lucky... its rare to have so many gems in the same treasury!! :-)

She's not saying she won't be sad anymore.. she knows now that even if she does get low she'll be up and about soon! She's actually grown from colt to stallion (the female version of it rather! :P) and she believes she can fly...!

She's goin home to daddy dearest and mommy's dreadin the fact that the two of 'em will be around her together!! :D It's like her turn to feel tsunami hit!! (I know she loves it... I love her a lot too!) Somehow mom's always figure out when you are feeling what right??? I didn't take her calls for a whole day 'coz then there would be this barrage of questions... which I know couldn't be handled at the time... So when next day Mommy dearest calls again, she just asks her, 'Everything's fine sweeheart?' n she smiles n says, 'Yup.. cmin home soon' and they move on to discussing the food Mom's makig for this 'bhooki sherni' and the shopping they'll do together!! :))) (this ones' an earthshaker for dad!!)

She got this bunch of flowers that's sittin on her table n brightening up her world! She looks at 'em each morning n her lil head goes on to sing, 'ur beautiful...' (yup fucking high n all!) Her eyes wander over an empty space on the corner table... she's just removed something from there... She doesn't cry... she peacefully smiles! And then it drizzles....



Shekhar said...


Aks said...

Girl...that was kool

And....umm....well..... jus be happy !

Skinsleuth said...

I can never imagine u being "down and out" but i take ur word for it..Sooner or later, things do get better...
Best of luck for everything sweetie..
O on a personal note, the rains did something magical to me too... :D

ani said...

shekhar: :)) ur one of those gems!

stardom: :)) (hamesha khushi!!)

shraddha: luv ya honey! enjoy the magic!!