Thursday, February 22, 2007

Holy Abstraction!

Darkness above and beyond; the breeze in her face; her hair flying...

The vision in her eyes: a winding road... meandering ( I could have said serpentine but I kinda like meandering!) ; an orange sky with streaks of blue... green around her... the flat kinds though...

The feeling in her heart: well.. she doesn't really know but she can meditate... (again! :) ). Is that what they call peace? She thinks so... its quiet in her head...

Her state of mind: Quiesence! Sounds still perturb her but its a distraction she can do with..!

Her faith: Oscillating as usual! Kinda elevating as well...!

Her thoughts: abstract enough to elicit a smile and write this post!!

(The look on your face: brings a smile to hers!)


Aks said...

Beautifully captured mood.

You would do better to use a camera as well.

Waise, I updated my blog.

Unknown said...

is it just me or d video was impossible.....????????

ani said...

stardom: i try.. i try... im still fiddling with the camera... not been able to really use it to capture moods yet.. its still only people and places!

mannu: chill! its not u!!! :DD >---:)---<

Ankur Jain said...

Did bring a smile here... :)


ani said...

>---------:)---------< ur the best AJ!